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Victorian Permissions Framework Guidance

The Victorian Permission Framework guides policy-makers and regulators on how to design, assess and manage permissions.

'Permissions’ refers to licences, permits and other approvals. They are a valuable risk management tool and should be fit-for-purpose so they do not create unnecessary costs for businesses and communities.

The framework can be used when developing new permissions and to reform existing permissions. It helps to ensure that permissions are justified, well-designed and applied using best practice.

Working through the Framework will assist departments and regulators to better understand:

  • what permissions are and when they should be used
  • principles for best practice
  • the six stages for reviewing existing and new permissions.
Victorian Permissions Framework
PDF 218.91 KB
(opens in a new window)
Victorian Permissions Framework
PPT 2.83 MB
(opens in a new window)

The following guides and template support departments and regulators to apply the framework and document key findings. 

Guide 1

Guide 1 sets out how to apply stages 1 to 3 of the Victorian Permissions Framework. 

It assists in understanding policy problems, regulatory design and permission selection, and supports the Victorian Guide to Regulation when permissions are being considered as a regulatory tool. It helps those shaping the policy settings and regulatory design of new or existing permissions. 

Victorian Permission Framework - Guide 1
PDF 274.62 KB
(opens in a new window)
Victorian Permission Framework - Guide 1
PPT 5.11 MB
(opens in a new window)

Guide 2

Guide 2 sets out how to apply stages 4 to 6 of the Victorian Permissions Framework. It guides on permission design, managing permissions and evaluating outcomes. It is intended for policy designers and practitioners of regulation.

Victorian Permission Framework - Guide 2
PDF 351.51 KB
(opens in a new window)
Victorian Permission Framework - Guide 2
PPT 6.75 MB
(opens in a new window)


Use the three-page template to show key findings and recommendations from following the steps in the guides. Attach findings to briefings to convey summary.

Template - Victorian Permissions Framework
PPT 2.34 MB
(opens in a new window)

Six stages to select, design, administer and improve permissions

Six simple stages support departments and regulators determine whether permissions should be used and how to select the right type of permission:

  1. Understand problems

  2. Consider available tools

  3. Select permissions

  4. Design features

  5. Administer effectively

  6. Evaluate outcomes

Five key principles guide best practice design and use of permissions

A new permission scheme should meet these principles. An existing one should be reviewed and adjusted to ensure it meets these principles.

  1. Efficient and effective

  2. Risk-based

  3. Streamlined and targeted

  4. Digital ready

  5. Regularly reviewed

The Victorian Guide to Regulation sets out the general approach to developing regulation, including permissions. The Permissions Framework supplements the Victorian Guide to Regulation with additional considerations and steps that policy-makers can follow to implement best practice.

The Permissions Playbook supports regulators on how they implement and reform permissions schemes, including best practice administration, and steps to take before considering a digital reform.
