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Priority area 5: Compliance with legislative requirements

When there are changes to laws or regulations that affect Victorians, government has a responsibility to communicate the changes to assist the transition to new requirements.

Priority Area 5 Compliance with legislative requirements 2%

Priority area 5: Compliance with legislative requirements 2%

For wide-ranging changes, advertising provides an essential means of reaching as many affected people as possible.

Consumer Affairs Victoria

Consumer Affairs Victoria undertakes campaigns to raise awareness of consumer rights, particularly in areas where there have been legislative changes and reforms, such as in rental agreements and real estate. In 2019–20, Consumer Affairs Victoria promotional activities included educating the community about reforms to the Sale of Land Act 1962.

Labour Hire Licensing Scheme and Portable Long Service

Advertising promoted awareness of a new business licensing system to protect vulnerable labour hire workers from exploitation and regulate the provision of labour hire services. Another campaign raised awareness among employers and workers in community services, contract cleaning and security about Victoria’s new portable long service scheme and encouraged compliance with new laws.
