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Digital services, finance and IT

From banking to artificial intelligence, this transformational industry needs skilled workers now.  

The digital services, finance and IT industry supports most aspects of the economy. Businesses in this industry are major drivers of innovation and economic growth.  

It’s forecast that 10,502 new workers will be needed in the financial and insurance services industry in Victoria by 2026. A further 4,004 new workers will be needed in information media and telecommunications.*

On the technology side, demand continues to grow for telecommunications engineers and technicians, cyber security specialists and more. Emerging technologies are creating jobs like artificial intelligence specialists, blockchain solution architects and robotics software engineers.  

The finance industry is also transforming. Victoria’s population is ageing, so support in health insurance, superannuation and financial advice is increasingly in demand. Changing regulations means many workers in this industry will upskill to adapt.

Vocational Education and Training (VET) is a great way to begin your training journey in the digital services, finance and IT industry.

Explore the information below to learn more about working in digital services, finance and IT. 

Training and careers in digital services, finance and IT

Digital services, finance and IT career stories

Explore growing industries in your region

*Digital services, finance and IT relates to the financial and insurance services industry and the information media and telecommunications industry. 

Statistics source: Victorian Skills Authority Employment Forecast Dashboard.
