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Resources and publications

See our suite of guidance and tools for enhancing project delivery outcomes.

Australian Major Projects Leadership Academy (AMPLA) 2022 Prospectus

The AMPLA Prospectus provides a course overview, the AMPLA learning methodology, and the faculty members who will guide the learning journey. 

Australian Major Projects Leadership Academy 2023 Prospectus
PDF 11.02 MB
(opens in a new window)
Australian Major Projects Leadership Academy 2022 Prospectus
Word 3.37 MB
(opens in a new window)

Commercial Capability Framework

The Commercial Capability Framework is a tool to define and measure commercial skills and competencies of Victorian Public Service and Executive Officer staff working in infrastructure delivery roles.

It gives guidance on the behaviours, skills and expertise that reflect different levels of commercial capability required to deliver successful project outcomes.

Commercial Capability Framework
PDF 11.9 MB
(opens in a new window)
Commercial Capability Framework
Word 187.9 KB
(opens in a new window)

Digital Asset Policy

The Digital Asset Policy sets the minimum actionable digital practices and standards to improve productivity for project delivery.

Digital Asset Policy
PDF 5.69 MB
(opens in a new window)
Digital Asset Policy
Word 24.3 MB
(opens in a new window)

International Major Infrastructure Projects Benchmarking Review

This benchmarking report prepared by The Boston Consulting Group focused on 379 large transport and social infrastructure projects greater than $250 million across 14 OECD nations, providing an insight into the performance and challenges of complex project delivery. 

International Major Infrastructure Projects Benchmarking Review
PDF 4.87 MB
(opens in a new window)

Offsite Construction Guide

The Victorian Offsite Construction Guide provides instruction to government departments and agencies on how to plan, design and deliver social, transport, health and education infrastructure for Victorians.

Offsite Construction Guide
PDF 3.2 MB
(opens in a new window)
Offsite Construction Guide
Word 47.14 MB
(opens in a new window)

Offsite Construction Evaluation Tool

The Offsite Construction Evaluation Tool is a practical tool to assist departments and agencies in evaluating their project’s suitability for offsite construction.

Offsite Construction Evaluation Tool.xlsx
Excel 411 KB
(opens in a new window)

Project Development and Due Diligence Guidelines

The Project Development and Due Diligence Guidelines (PDDD) provide a guide for project proponents on how to integrate PDDD activities into Victoria’s High Value High Risk Framework and the Gateway Review Process.

The guidelines recommend various activities to be undertaken during the project planning and development stages of Victorian Government sponsored infrastructure projects.

Project Development and Due Diligence Guidelines
PDF 1.04 MB
(opens in a new window)
Project Development and Due Diligence Guidelines
Word 1.18 MB
(opens in a new window)

Risk, Time, Cost and Contingency Guidelines

The Risk, Time, Cost and Contingency Guidelines provide consistent cost and schedule approaches across all major Victorian infrastructure projects, incorporating the use of modern statistical methods to define and measure risk.

Additional requirements and expectations are defined based on project scope, stage, and project value and risk context to ensure reporting and management are fit-for-purpose.

Risk, Time, Cost and Contingency Guidelines
(opens in a new window)
Risk, Time, Cost and Contingency Guidelines
Word 7.07 MB
(opens in a new window)

Sensing Technology Application Guidelines

The application of sensors on physical assets has the potential to provide a step change in providing more accurate and useful data on the state of an asset and its performance.

As sensing technology becomes less expensive it is expected that its application will increasingly be viewed as a key requirement.

This policy is designed to guide when and how to consider the application of sensing technology on Victorian Government controlled infrastructure assets.

Sensing Technology Application Guidelines
PDF 2.75 MB
(opens in a new window)
Sensing Technology Application Guidelines
Word 7.91 MB
(opens in a new window)

Sustainable Investment Guidelines

The Sustainable Investment Guidelines support project teams to incorporate environmental, social and economic sustainability in Victorian government Infrastructure Investments.

It incorporates sustainability best practice and government priorities and policies including the Victorian Government Climate Strategy, the Recycled First policy, Green Bonds and aspirations to mitigate project cost escalation by building a more circular economy.

Sustainable Investment Guidelines
PDF 11.81 MB
(opens in a new window)
Sustainable Investment Guidelines
Word 5.86 MB
(opens in a new window)

Victorian Digital Asset Strategy

The Victorian Digital Asset Strategy sets out a whole-of-government strategy for digitising construction.

Victorian Digital Asset Strategy
PDF 11.45 MB
(opens in a new window)


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