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Student Fees and Charges for Pre-accredited Training Delivery

Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions 

Training Skills and Higher Education     

Adult, Community and Further Education (ACFE) Division Memo


  • ACFE Board
  • ACFE Regional Councils 
  • Registered Learn Local providers
  • Adult Education Institutions
  • ACFE Division Staff

From: Georgina Lyell, A/Executive Director ACFE Division 

Date: 9 October 2023

SUBJECT: Student Fees and Charges for Pre-accredited Training Delivery

Actions and critical dates

  • Ensure your organisation complies with the Fees and Charges guidelines
  • Seek further clarification from ACFE Regional Office staff if required

Pre-accredited Courses Fees and Charges 

This memorandum is to remind Learn Local providers of current arrangements for pre-accredited training course student fees. Fees and charges for pre-accredited training and further education are set by your organisation. A government-subsidised course attracts the level of contribution set by the Minister for Skills and TAFE and Regional Development and is subject to other conditions set by the Minister.

All Learn Local Providers must charge student course fees in accordance with the Ministerial Direction on Fees and Charges: in a new window) 

Learn Local organisations can charge student course fees for pre-accredited training up to the following limits:

Course categoryRate per hourTotal concession fee
 Pre-accredited Up to $1.08 per hour Up to $50 maximum for a concession card holder in any calendar year

Pre-accredited training providers are able to charge additional costs, such as for materials and administration fees.  Learners should be provided with a receipt that clearly provides a breakdown of any charges. A copy of the receipt should be kept by Learn Local providers.   

The subsidy rates paid to you for pre-accredited training purchased through the ACFE Board are:

Course categoryRate per hourTotal concession
 Pre-accredited $9.35 per hour Reimbursed from a fixed pool

A 20% regional loading will be added to the rate in rural and regional areas with approved postcodes.

A 50% Koorie loading will be added to the rate per student contact hour for students who identify as Indigenous.  A regional loading will still be applied, in addition to the Koorie loading, for reported pre-accredited training delivery in identified postcodes. 

Accredited Courses Fees and Charges 

The Victorian Government provides subsidised training places in accredited courses to make vocational education and training more accessible. 

The Funded Course List only includes courses and skill sets that: 

  • align with industry needs and workforce demands
  • represent government priorities, including rolling out the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), responding to family violence, and completing Victoria's infrastructure projects
  • have strong job outcomes, such as apprenticeships
  • meet other social needs, such as foundation skill courses.

The Funded Course List is published on the in a new window) website.

For more information see the Victorian Government website: 

Further information and contacts

If you have any questions about Fees and Charges for pre-accredited training please contact your Regional Office support staff.
