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Professional development opportunity: Pre-accredited Initial Assessment Kit PRIAK: numeracy tasks

Attend an online session on Monday 1 August 2022 from 12.00 -12.45 pm.

Department of Education and Training

Higher Education and Skills

Adult, Communication and Further Education (ACFE) Division Memo


  • Registered Learn Local providers
  • Statewide providers
  • ACFE Board
  • ACFE Regional Councils
  • Learn Local stakeholders
  •  ACFE Division staff

From: Jeanette Nagorcka, Executive Director, Adult, Community and Further Education Division

Date: 25 July 2022

Subject: Professional development opportunity: Pre-accredited Initial Assessment Kit PRIAK: numeracy tasks

Actions / Critical Dates:

  • Attend an online session on Monday 1 August 2022 from 12.00 -12.45 pm
  • Register to attend the session before 29 July 2022

This PRIAK professional development session is for Learn Local teachers and coordinators who want to establish a learner’s numeracy capabilities. It will be delivered by Gladys Torres and Beata Wasiak from Wellsprings for Women, who are both experienced LLN practitioners and were involved in the Skills for Work and Study project and developed the numeracy tasks for PRIAK.

The session will provide a brief overview of PRIAK and the strength-based approach to recognising learner skills and knowledge. Gladys and Beata will also discuss:

  • The rationale behind developing the PRIAK numeracy assessment tool – more awareness of the importance of numeracy skills for adult learners, and more deliberate focus on building this in pre-accredited programs as they go hand in hand with literacy development
  • Why assess numeracy in pre-accredited programs 
  • How to use the tool to recognise already existing knowledge and skills and build on the strengths of learners - some practical examples
  • How Wellsprings integrates numeracy into the PRIAK initial assessment process and how the assessment outcomes and observations are presented to the teachers

Register for the PRIAK professional development session today.

If you have questions about PRIAK, please contact Ms Josie Rose, Senior Project Officer, ACFE Division.
