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Register to hear more about Early Childhood tertiary study opportunities

Register your interest below to hear more about tertiary study opportunities for future early childhood professionals from the Department of Education.

Register your interest

What are your current circumstances?(Required)
I would like to know more about the available...(Required)
I would like to begin an early childhood course at the...
Data Collection Statement(Required)

This Data Collection Statement outlines how personal information will be handled by the Department of Education (DE) as part of workforce attraction activities for the Best Start, Best Life reforms.

Data collected

Submissions will require a minimum of an email address alongside other identifying information such as first name, last name,  and state of residence.

All information collected will be handled in accordance with the Privacy Data and Protection Act 2014 (Vic) (the PDP Act), the Health Records Act

2001 (Vic) (the HR Act) and the Public Records Act 1973 (Vic).

Purpose and use of data collected

The primary purpose for collecting this information, via the Vision6 online platform, is to contact you in relation to future study opportunities in line with your completed registration form.

Access to the information you provide will be restricted to staff within DE assisting with the project. The information collected may also be made available to other DE staff who need to know it in relation to this primary purpose or associated secondary purposes such as reporting, in accordance with the Department's privacy policy and also disclosed where otherwise permitted by law.

Demographic information may be used in a de-identified and aggregated form for DE reporting on this project and/or for research purposes, which may be made publicly available.

Means of collection and storage of data

The information will be collected on the Vision6 online platform and transferred to a restricted location on the Department's servers. Only those with a need to access the information for the purposes of the project or related reporting will have permission to access the information. Your information will be stored on Vision6 servers located in Australia and on secure Department servers and will only be used for the purposes described above.

For further information on the information in this statement, or to request access and correction of personal information,


For more information regarding access and correction to your personal information or DE's handling of personal information please read DE's Privacy Policy.

For more information about Vision6 and how it handles and where it stores information please read their privacy policy.
