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My child has seen bullying

If your child has seen someone being bullied find out what you can do to help.

Your child may know someone who is being bullied or has seen it happening at school. Even just witnessing bullying can be disturbing for a child.

Bystander concerns

A child who witnesses or knows bullying is occurring is called a bystander and requires support to deal with what they have seen or know is taking place.

Bystander concerns include:

  • not knowing what to do or not wanting to make the situation worse
  • not knowing if their actions will make a difference
  • feeling worried about their safety if they intervene
  • feeling worried about the impact of taking action on their friendships
  • being anxious that they will be bullied as a result of intervening.

Research shows that peers are present in 85% of bullying incidents at school. Bullying has been shown to stop within 10 seconds when bystanders take positive action.

To learn more, see: I have your back.

Talk to someone

If bullying happens online or via text messages outside school report it to the school, especially if other children from the school are involved or it is making your child uncomfortable at school.

Schools are aware of the potential harmful effects of bullying, including cyberbullying, on young people and take reports of bullying seriously.

Everyone within the school community can work together to help create a climate where bullying is not acceptable.
