National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence

Join the nationwide movement to take a stand against bullying on the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence (NDA).

The NDA is Australia's key bullying prevention event for schools.

From this year, the NDA is permanently moving to the third Friday in August. In 2023, this will be Friday 18 August.

The NDA theme for 2023 is 'growing connections'. This theme supports research findings that strong school community connections and social skills are protective factors in the prevention of bullying and help enable positive, help-seeking behaviours in students.

National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence banner for 2023

Whether you're a parent, teacher, student or member of the broader community, everyone has a role to play in preventing bullying.

To find out more about the NDA and how your school community can participate, see the Bullying. No Way! website.

For more information on bullying prevention and support, see Bully Stoppers.
