150 years: Abbotsford State School

Learn about the history of Abbotsford State School, one of Victoria’s oldest public schools.

Key information

Cnr Regent Street and Marine Parade, Collingwood, 3067
19 September 1855
30 September 1882
School type:
School number:
Other names:
Abbotsford School, Abbotsford Common School

The history of Abbotsford State School

  • 1850s

    Abbotsford State School was opened in 1855 by the Church of England.

    It was located on the corner of Regent Street and Marine Parade in Collingwood.

    The first head teacher was Tabitha Pike.

    By 1858 the average attendance was 101 (46 boys and 55 girls).

  • 1863

    The school became a common school under the Board of Education.

  • 1870s

    The Department of Education bought the school in the 1870s.

    This included the school building and a wooden portable classroom.

    The building was made from either brick or stone and it could accommodate 778 students.

    An extra portable was purchased from 1878 to 1879.

  • 1882

    The school closed.

Can you help us find records for this school?

The Public Record Office Victoria (PROV) only hold historical correspondence records for this closed school. If you have any, or if you know of any, please let us know by emailing 150years@education.vic.gov.au
