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150 years: Campbells Creek Primary School

Learn about the history of Campbells Creek Primary School, one of Victoria's oldest public schools.

Key information

127 Main Road, Campbells Creek, 3451
1 January 1854
School type:
School number:
Other names:
Campbell's Creek School, Campbell's Creek Common School, Campbell's Creek State School

The history of Campbells Creek Primary School

  • 1853

    Campbell's Creek opened in 1853.

    The first teacher was Margaret Miller.

    There were 49 students at the school.

    Classes were held in a tent. 

  • 1856

    A timber schoolhouse was built in 1856. 

  • 1862

    The school became a common school in 1862. 

  • 1873

    The school became a state school in 1873. The head teacher was James Elvins.

    Two local common schools closed in 1873 and their students moved to Campbell's Creek. The schoolhouse of one of these closed schools was used as classrooms for Campbell's Creek.

  • 1878

    A new and larger school was built on land opposite the old school. There were now 404 students enrolled at the school. 

  • 1897

    The number of students enrolled had steadily decreased to 125 in 1897. 

  • 1900s

    The number of students enrolled increased again to 250 in the 1900s. Mr John Osborne became head teacher in 1909. 

  • 1926

    A tree plantation was planted on land near the school. The trees would be sold for timber when fully grown to raise money for the school. A Mother's Club was formed in 1926 to raise money for the school through fundraising activities.

  • 1964

    The size of the tree plantation was increased. 

  • 1969

    A back to school event was held in 1969 and 350 people attended. There was a welcome home dance on the Thursday and prizes for the oldest students that attended the event. There was also a prize for the oldest school photo. 

  • 1970

    The school was renamed Campbell's Creek Primary School in 1970.

    Photograph of Campbells Creek Primary School building
    Campbells Creek Primary School in 1970. Source: Laurie Burchell and the State Library of Victoria
  • 1984

    A multipurpose room was built in 1984. 

  • 1991

    The school started teaching Indonesian in 1991. 

  • 2000

    There were 175 students enrolled in 2000. A block of land next to the school was purchased as an extension to the playground. 

  • 2003

    The school marked its 150th anniversary in 2003. There was another 'back to' celebration was held and historic dresses, toys and books were displayed. 

  • 2022

    Campbells Creek Primary School is still in operation.

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