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150 years: Cobaw State School

Learn about the history of Cobaw State School, one of Victoria’s oldest public schools.

Key information

Lancefield, 3435
1 January 1871
31 December 1952
School type:
School number:
Other names:
Cobaw Common School
  • 1871

    Cobaw School was built from bluestone that was quarried and carted to the site by locals.

    A time capsule was placed under the foundation stone of the building.

    It included coins and newspapers and was sealed in a bottle using a riding whip.

    The whip belonged to a local named Paddy Meagher.

  • 1874

    The school became a state school.

    Before Cobaw, there was an earlier school established by early settlers.

    This school was destroyed by fire and no information on its open date is available.

  • 1890

    The peak enrolment at the school was 40.

    The head teacher at the time, Arnold Briggs, went on to become principal of Kyneton High School (No. 7970) and Mildura High School (No. 8045).

  • 1905 to 1906

    A veranda was built.

  • 1912

    A shelter shed was added.

  • 1924

    The building was lined with plaster sheets and a tank shed was added.

  • 1927

    A plantation was started by Eddie Watts.

  • 1933

    Cobaw operated halfway with Glenhope State School No. 1230.

  • 1935

    The school closed in 1935.

  • 1947

    The school reopened in 1947.

  • 1952

    The school closed in 1952.

    The building is on the National Trust database.

    It was used as a social centre for the district.

    It was also used for Anglican Church services for many years.

    Former Cobaw State School small bluestone building in 1964.
    Cobaw State School in 1964. (Source: J.T. Collins Collection, La Trobe Picture Collection, State Library of Victoria)

Can you help us find records for this school?

The Public Record Office Victoria (PROV) only hold historical building records for this closed school. If you have any other records, or if you know of any, please let us know by emailing
