150 years: Creswick Primary School

Learn about the history of Creswick Primary School, one of Victoria's oldest public schools.

Key information

67 Napier Street, Creswick, 3363
15 May 1854
School type:
School number:
Other names:
Creswick School, Creswick Common School, Creswick State School

The history of Creswick Primary School

  • 1854

    Creswick opened as a national school in 1854. It was called Creswick Creek National School when it opened.

  • 1873

    A site was chosen for a new state school in 1873.

  • 1874

    The new state school building opened in 1874 and the students from the national school moved to the new school.

    The head teacher was A. Stewart. He was assisted by Peter Harrington and his wife.

    The school building was made of brick. The bricks were made at nearby Prince Leopold Park by A. Pasco.

    The school was big enough for 500 students. However, at one time the number of students going to the school was 1,064.

  • 1880

    Night school opened in 1880. 

  • 1908

    Domestic arts (sewing and cooking) and woodwork rooms opened at Creswick. Students from other schools came to Creswick for sewing, cooking and woodwork lessons.

    They travelled to the school by train. The cooking teachers prepared dinners for local people from about this time until 1920. 

  • 1940

    After 1940, the sewing, cooking and woodwork rooms were closed. They were then used for art and craft, films, TV, sport and assembly. 

  • 1970

    The school was renamed Creswick Primary School in 1970.

  • 2004

    The school marked its 150th anniversary in 2004.

  • 2022

    Creswick Primary School is still in operation.

Find more interesting facts about this school

The Public Records Office (PROV) is the archive of Victoria's State and local government. They look after some of our oldest school records, and we can use these records to help us understand what school life used to be like.

Now it is your turn to do some detective work. Take a look to see what information they have on this school.
