150 years: Lake Burrumbeet Primary School

Learn about the history of Lake Burrumbeet Primary School, one of Victoria's oldest public schools.

Key information

Western Highway, Burrumbeet, 3352
16 October 1861
12 August 1996
School type:
School number:
Other names:
Lake Burrumbeet National School, Lake Burrumbeet Common School, Lake Burrumbeet State School

1860s Lake Burrumbeet opened as a National School in 1861. The first Head Teacher was James McAllister. His wife Charlotte was Work Mistress. The original enrolment for 45 students. 1870s The school became a State School No. 368 in July 1875. 1960s The school commemorated its 100th anniversary in 1961. Memorial gates were installed to mark the occasion. The gates were notated by a previous student Councillor W.A. Walton. A new school building was opened in 1962 on the same site. 1970s The name of the school changed to Lake Burrumbeet Primary School in 1970. 1980s The school closed in 1986.

The history of Lake Burrumbeet Primary School

  • 1861

    Lake Burrumbeet opened as a national school in 1861.

    The first head teacher was James McAllister. His wife Charlotte was the work mistress.

    The original enrolment for 45 students.

  • 1875

    The school became a state school (No. 368) in July.

  • 1961

    The school recognised its 100th anniversary.

    Memorial gates were installed to mark the occasion. The gates were notated by a previous student Councillor W.A. Walton.


  • 1962

    A new school building was opened on the same site.

  • 1970

    The name of the school changed to Lake Burrumbeet Primary School.

  • 1986

    The school closed in 1986.

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