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150 years: Melton Primary School

Learn about the history of Melton Primary School, one of Victoria's oldest public schools.

Key information

Unitt Street, Melton, 3337
17 May 1858
School type:
School number:
Other names:
Melton School, Melton Common School, Melton State School

The history of Melton Primary School

  • 1858

    Melton opened as a denominational school in 1858. It was located on a creek flat and the first head teacher was Stokes. Approximately 30 students were involved. 

  • 1860s

    The school became a common school in 1862 and was given the number 430 in 1863.

    A bluestone rubble building was completed in the late 1860s. 

  • 1870s

    The school became a state school at some stage between 1873 and 1878.

    A second bluestone building was added in 1877. Additional land was also purchased to make the school grounds bigger. 

  • 1880s

     An underground water tank was added in the early 1880s, supplying water to the school. 

  • 1919

    A wooden teacher's residence was added in 1919.

  • 1930

    A pine tree plantation was planted in 1930. The trees would be sold when fully grown to raise money for the school. 

  • 1970

    The school was renamed Melton Primary School in 1970.

  • 2022

    Melton Primary School is still in operation.

Find more interesting facts about this school

The Public Records Office (PROV) is the archive of Victoria's State and local government. They look after some of our oldest school records, and we can use these records to help us understand what school life used to be like.

Now it is your turn to do some detective work. Take a look to see what info they have on this school.
