150 years: Seafield State School

Learn about the history of Seafield State School, one of Victoria’s oldest public schools.

Key information

Tullamarine, 3043
1 October 1859
22 June 1884
School type:
School number:
Other names:
Seafield National School, Seafield Common School

The history of Seafield State School

  • 1859

    Seafield opened as a national school.

    The first head teacher was Samuel Lazarus.

    John Grant donated the school site, located in the parish of Tullamarine.

    Grant was the correspondent on the school's Local Patrons Board.

    The school buildings included a school room, classroom and a two rooms for teacher accommodation.

    Two more teacher accommodation rooms and verandas were added later.

  • 1880s

    The school worked part-time with Tullamarine State School (No. 632).

  • 1884

    The school closed.

    John Grant repurchased the site and the buildings.

Can you help us find records for this school?

The Public Record Office Victoria (PROV) only hold historical correspondence records for this closed school. If you have any, or if you know of any, please let us know by emailing 150years@education.vic.gov.au.
