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150 years: Wangoom Primary School

Learn about the history of Wangoom Primary School, one of Victoria’s oldest public schools.

Key information

Wangoom Road, Wangoom, 3279
2 January 1865
31 December 1992
School type:
School number:
Other names:
Wangoom Common School, Wangoom State School

The history of Wangoom Primary School

  • 1865

    Wangoom opened under head teacher, Thomas Whyte. His assistant, Stocks, later became head teacher.

  • 1878 to 1880

    A night school was held at the school. Student numbers ranged from 14 to 40. 

  • 1970

    The name of the school changed to Wangoom Primary School. 

  • 1992

    The school closed. 

Can you help us find records for this school?

The Public Record Office Victoria (PROV) only hold correspondence building records for this closed school. If you have any, or if you know of any, please let us know by emailing
