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150 years: Werribee Primary School

Learn about the history of Werribee Primary School, one of Victoria's oldest public schools.

Key information

2 Deutgam Street, Werribee, 3030
18 December 1858
School type:
School number:
Other names:
Wyndham School, Wyndham District Common School, Wyndham State School, Werribee State School

The history of Werribee Primary School

  • 1858

    The school opened as a national school in 1858. It was likely known as Wyndham at the time after the name of the district.

  • 1861

    A single room school building was built in 1861.

  • 1862

    The school became a common school in 1862. The school was renamed Wyndham District Common School (No. 649).

  • 1869

    A bluestone classroom was built in 1869.

  • 1873

    The school became Wyndham State School in 1873.

  • 1874

    Another classroom was added in 1874.

  • 1885

    The school was renamed Werribee State School when the name of the district was renamed in 1885.

  • 1900s

    The school was condemned by Heath Officers in 1906.

    The bluestone building was renovated and new brick classrooms were built by 1907.

  • 1921

    The school became a higher elementary school in 1921. This meant that secondary classes for older students were added, like secondary schools today.

  • 1923

    Extensions to the school were completed in 1923 to hold the secondary classes.

  • 1938

    A sloyd room was added in 1938. Sloyd rooms were used for woodwork.

  • 1950s

    Two aluminium classrooms were added in 1953 and a domestic arts section in 1954.

    Secondary classes moved to the new Werribee High School (No. 8465) in 1956. The high school stayed on the Werribee school site until a new school was completed in 1959.

  • 1970

    The school was renamed Werribee Primary School in 1970.

  • 2022

    Werribee Primary School is still in operation.

Find more interesting facts about this school

The Public Records Office (PROV) is the archive of Victoria's State and local government. They look after some of our oldest school records, and we can use these records to help us understand what school life used to be like.

Now it is your turn to do some detective work. Take a look to see what information they have on this school.
